Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am blogging this special month of the calendar year because it is MAY. It also have been named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility if you give her all your money. In Catholic Church May is also dedicated to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and after her virginity everyone celebrates with Bloody Mary. Hahaha ... just kidding okie, am not suppose to joke with the deity or goddess.

, the Bee Gees sing this song and made me felt so old.
SECOND, the first Saturday and was thinking to shave my p-hair.
THIRD, I woke up later than usual and go to work feeling contempt.
FOURTH, the birthday of a special girl friend introduce me to the love ecstasy.
FIFTH, gone home earlier than usual and manage to see the sunset on my way back.
SIXTH, it was dead quiet and i can actually hear the cockroach farted crawling across my desk.
SEVENTH, the number I like to speak when cursing.
EIGHT, a big restructure going on at my office and I am officially the COE of my dept.
NINTH, only I knew IELTS stand for International English Language Testing System felt dulan with the test.
TENTH, feeling contempt again going to work and i hear voices.

to be continue ...

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u~hee said...
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